داستان آبیدیک

الغاء کردن الغاء

elqâ’, ~ kardan


1 Law:: (intransitive or passive form : الغاء شدن - be, to be, being; having been, to have been+pp) • extinguish, ~ing, ~ment • abolish, ~ing, ~ment • abolition ( : applies particularly to things of permanent nature, such as institutions, usages, customs, as the abolition of Negro slavery (ie in the 18th and 19th. Centuries) • abrogate, -ing, -ion • annul ( 1 a : to cause to cease to exist : reduce to nothing : blot out; obliterate b. to check effectively; make inoperative (as by an opposite influence or force) : neutralize, cancel 2 a : to declare (a marriage) legally invalid; declare to be no longer of legal effect : abolish) • repeal, !ing • revoke, -ing, revocation • avoid ~ing, ~ance • set aside, setting aside • defeasance • nullify, ~ing, nullification

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